Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day One

Really, today was the worst day to start a blog about food.  I have absolutely no desire to cook.  Inspiration is not just low today; I do believe that it is dead. (I wanted to write "ded" D.E.D - dead. That's what I would say aloud.)

So what does a body do on a day like today with dinner hanging like an albatross around the neck?  We must cook for our loved ones.  We must.  We most certainly must.  McDonald's is not an option...again - oops! Did I say that out loud?

So I wander T&T like a ghost.  Haunting the frozen dumpling section to see if my ded inspiration for dinner lies there.  It doesn't.  I checked the pre-made sushi section - not there either... seriously, if I'm going to pay that much for sushi, I will have it served to me on a platter, made fresh.  But I digress.

So off to Safeway, to look in their frozen food isle.  Shall it be lasagna?  No, that will take too long.
But I must, must feed my family.  And I want it quick and I don't want to cook or chop or peel or expend any effort at all... though our dinner should be something relatively healthy. Okay, so I'm not sure that this constitutes as entirely healthy, but it's not a cheeseburger.

Strawberry & Spinach Salad with Feta and Slivered Almonds
So here's what I came up with for tonight's quick, super easy and relatively healthy dinner: Safeway's Tuscan Tomato & Basil Bisque, herb focaccia to dip in balsamic vinegar, and a spinach/strawberry salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.   I'm adding a can of white kidney beans for protein and spinach for vegetable matter.

So the bisque is gently heating on the stove, the bread is warming in the oven and I didn't have to expend an ounce of energy that I just didn't have today.  'Cause sometimes, I just don't want to cook!


  1. I Love the tomato bisque at Safeway!!! What a treat!!! Good job little buddy!!! Happy eating and happy blogging!!!

  2. I have had the same problem these last few days... no inspiration to cook anything... so yesterday was greek salad and tuna sandwhich's and today was southwest chicken nacho's ... the lazy man's dinners. I better start getting my act in gear otherwise I will be fired as a wife LOL (let him try)

  3. I miss Safeway and Tomato and Basil Bisque. You have reminded me that a great dinner can be simple and easy. Sounds delicious.
